BBC Wildlife feature by Zimbabwe-born Anton Crone is the editor of African Birdlife magazine

Posted on Wed June 5, 2024.

I was at Khoisan Karoo Conservancy in South Africa’s Northern Cape to see the Shy Five, a pentad of extraordinary creatures on the opposite end of the spectrum to the safari industry’s Big Five (leopard, lion, elephant, buffalo and rhino).

Safari operators deliver truckloads of tourists to within mobile-phonephoto distance of all five within a week. But ask for an aardvark, bat-eared fox, porcupine, aardwolf or black-footed cat, and your guide will ask nervously: “How long have you got?” I had three days – two nights to be precise, for that is when the critters typically appear. My expectations were not high; it is notoriously difficult to see any of them, never mind all five on one trip. Read the full article on Page 76.

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Zimbabwe-born Anton Crone is the editor of African Birdlife magazine. He visited the Karoo courtesy of the Khoisan Karoo Conservancy:

Further Reading

Sunset at New Holme Nature Lodge
Khoisan Karoo Conservancy featured in The Daily Maverick

Angus Begg writes "Piet Cronje ‘PC’ Ferreira says that, after 28 years, his own transformation from farming only to a sustainable farming, conservation and tourism enterprise is complete. Now he’s working with some of the central Karoo’s most troubled municipalities and conservation organisations on an ambitious plan that goes way beyond re-establishing the area’s wildlife and fragile biodiversity."

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